At this very moment all I can say is that my fingers are crossed hoping it is a hoax. Marry The Night missed it's chance. The song clearly represents the return of Gaga while introducing the Born This Way era in to the world. It would have been suitable as a lead single or the follow up, but with the song being on the verge of release now seems pretty repetitive. MTN is an album opener and should stay that way. It's anthemic chorus and stadium size production is clearly attention getting however, in this point of the era it's time to give the people something to talk about. Gaga clearly has a collection of fire-starters on the album that I and fans have rambled on and on about in the past but the connection seems to be blockaded.
Anyway I don't want to come down on the singer yet because this statement may be false. All of the sources I've been to only quote a spring interview never clearly presenting Gaga as she distributes these inclusive words. And on the other hand, it may be true. Gaga seems to be following a pattern with her single choices this time a round. She maybe picking the highest charting songs. Edge of Glory charted at number three and became a single, You and I charted at number thirty-six and became a single, and last but not least Marry The Night charted at number seventy-nine; all charting upon the Born This Way release week.
So what do you think? Is the Billboard Hot 100 determining Gaga's single choices or Is this result of a slow news day that gained momentum?
Check Out Gaga's New Fashion Vid for You and I ........I think she did dry up .. they're taking her back to the water.
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