Take a stroll down the deepest, darkest, gloomiest part of your memory. Where the peer pressure was it’s strongest and it seemed as if you could never do anything right. Doing too much would have everyone talking about you and doing too little would have everyone talking about you. How did you handle that situation? Well I have a suggestion that will help with all of those hard situations. Become fabulous! Being fabulous takes a lot of different steps and a great deal of persistence but it’ll pay off in the long run. People still may not like you but they’ll have to respect you. As someone who has been studying the ancient art of Fabulousness, I’ve narrow down the many factors of this art to give a simple guide to become fabulous with just three easy steps; confidence, bravery, and style.

Step one is all about confidence. Confidence is key in everything you do, from something as small as taking out the trash in your robe to walking down the hallway and looking someone in the eye. Everything goes back to your confidence level, if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, it going to be up to you to deal with it. Some people are born in an unfavorable situation but their confidence level is what helps them get of out that gloomy state. For an example, Josephine Baker was born in 1906. The heart of racism but she didn’t let the fact of her being black stop her from doing what she loved. At fourteen she left the house and was in Paris by the time she was nineteen (Sonneborn). Later in life she adopted twelve children from different racial and religious backgrounds to show that the skin color, religion, and where you’re born doesn’t define who you are (Sonneborn). The confidence it take to leave home and move to Paris for your dancing and to then raise twelve children to make a strong stand in society. Without confidence she wouldn’t have been able to be a half of the women she was.
Josephine Baker showed a great deal of confidence as well as bravery, which bring me the next step, bravery. Being brave is very hard and not everyone can do it. It takes a special kind of person, someone that is not afraid of being different or to stand on there own. When your back is up against the wall you will be surprised at what you can do. People like Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi had a terrible event happen to him and decided to take on the right of all his people. “On the train from the port to Pretoria that first evening, Gandhi was literally kicked off for trying to sit in the first-class compartment when a white passenger objected to his presence. This event catalyzed Gandhi’s energies. A week later, overcoming his shyness, he began speaking at meetings and then started organizing his own. At first, his goal was to protect Indian workers and traders in South Africa and then to expand their rights…When he left in 1914, Gandhi was already one of the best-known Indians alive (Lewis).” Gandhi worked a nonviolent campaign to his victory. Now I am not saying that you have to protest and become a public figure to be fabulous, you just have to believe in something and stand up for it. There are too many people out there that go with the crowd because they don’t want to make controversy or just believe in themselves.
Step three is all about style. You can be as confident as you want but if you don’t make ever one around you in complete all over your physical appearance you’re only doing two thirds of the work. Confidence and bravery can’t do everything. You have to be something that everyone kind of wants to be in the back of their mind. Have them thinking about you when you’re no longer around them. For instants Marie Antoinette was the queen of France. Marie Antoinette had a strong image. She became known for her “life of expensive diversion and pleasure. Her closest friends, the princesse de Lamballe and the comtesse Jules de Polignac, sought and received extravagant gifts and offices. She also frequented salons devoted to high-stakes gambling, horse races, and masked balls without the king (O’Brien).” Yes she gained enemies for a lifestyle and looks but she as inspired people for generations after. Fashion designer, Christian Louboutin, created a shoes collection solely on her image. These shoes are decorated with history, fashion, and glamor. Giving anyone who wears these shoes a hint of confidence from the beauty of them, a spice of bravery for the height and an overall sense of style with a splash of mystery.

Being fabulous isn’t going to guarantee you a spot at the popular table or force you to have a giant group of friends. What it is going to guarantee is you loving yourself. Being fabulous is just a way/ guide on how to live your life with your own morals. If you choose to use this tips, it’ll help with peer pressure, and any other problems. Whenever you run up against an unfavorable situation, just think of this guide, let it play back in you mind and you’ll know what to do from there. The people may still pressure you, talk about you, may still not like you but at least you’ll go down in history as being confident, brave, and stylish.
Work Cited
Lewis, Terrance L. "Mahatma Gandhi." Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2014): Research Starters. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
O’Brien, Charles H. "Marie-Antoinette." Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2014): Research Starters. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Sonneborn, Liz. "Baker, Josephine." A to Z of American Women in the Performing Arts. Facts On File, 2001. African-American History Online
. Web. 21 Oct. 2015
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