Well I'm back once again for the latest obsessions of the month. This month has been a little weird because school has been going along with sports, Halloween, and my party! So my head has been spinning for the whole interior month. But don't worry because I managed to scrape up some time of obsessions. Like always, if you didn't see last months then click here!
4. Carmen Dell' Orefice
I'm in love with her! Carmen Dell' Orefice is the oldest working model in 2012. She was born in 1931. With means she is around 82. She is the definition of a supermodel! And if you ask me as she has gotten older she has gotten even more fierce then when she started. She had black or drown then but now she has grey hair that is so amazing. Its makes her look so glamours and classy. I truly love how her cheek bones just stand there so strong, also how her skin is just in touch. This is one women that I would love to look like when I reach her age.
3. 90's Fashion
I all ways think of 90s fashion as baggy clothes and boots but the 90's had more to offer then just that. Designers like Versace, Tommy Hilfiger, and Chanel, matter of fact it was all the designers! They all brought something new to the table! Felled with color and and a scents of freedom. As well as the biggest models. 90's fashion is fun, glamous, and free spirted.
2. Sea Punk
Sea punk is a fashion style/trend. It consists of pastel colors, technology refers, and of course sea animals. People like Azealia Banks (Raper/Singer), Gwen Stefani (Singer), and Charlotte Free (Model) all participate in the look. I love this look so much but I don't know if I could pull it off like these people! Sea punk is a definite show of indualvisioality and a love for colors. Here is Azealia Banks's video a that is all full of Sea Punk.
1. Guo Pei
Guo Pei is an Chinese haute couture fashion line. Guo Pei makes all kinds of beautiful looks. As she should because she has been designing for the past 26 years. From the structure looks to the long loose glowns. Each look has me amazed. It just makes me think," what does something like this cost?" From the cutout wedges in gold to the head pieces! Each piece looks like it could cost up to $100,000 and up! Well whatever the price, it doesn't cost to just look! But I have to say, if I don't see Lady Gaga in any of these pieces...I will flip!
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